The underground is the ministry school of The Altar and is about the root system of our student’s lives. We prayerfully take 12 students at a time for this 36 week school of ministry and discipleship program which happens in our home.

 We are living in an hour when the Lord is raising up the new wineskin of the church, one that looks like the book of Acts.  To be a leader in this new wineskin, we MUST have roots that grow deeper and spread farther than the visible “tree” of our public ministry.

We have looked back on over 20 years of ministry and combined some of the most important things that we feel are critical for leaders in the new wineskin church to understand and walk in, organized into three modules:

  1. Inner Healing and Deliverance.  

  2. Apostolic Teaching (foundations)

  3. Worship/Intercession school (School of the Prophets)

Our heart for each of the students in the Underground is:

  • To grow as leaders into your individual callings.  This may be with The Altar for a long season or a short season but regardless, the motivation for us inviting you into The Underground has nothing to do with your long term connection at The Altar.

  • To be equipped to duplicate these teachings and values in others both inside and outside of The Altar

  • To be on the same page with us as we build The Altar together:  this is what we believe, this is who we are, this is what we are building.  As The Altar grows,  only those who have gone through The Underground will be ministering publicly (i.e. have a microphone, minister in ministry lines, etc.)

  • To be healed in deeper ways in soul and spirit.  The higher we go in leadership, the more healed and whole we need to be.  We can only be facilitators for healing and deliverance if we have walked through these things ourselves.

  • To help your spiritual root system be far larger than your public ministry, setting you up for longterm success and legacy:  we want you to have a 30, 40, 50 year (or longer) ministry ahead of you.

  • To grow in deeper relationship within this group.  Our heart for The Underground is for it to be an informal,  relational ministry school that teaches by impartation and revelation, not just information.  Part of the way that happens is by doing life together both in and out of ministry.